Our role is to ensure the availability of high-quality water services to our customers and community 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
We make continuous efforts to provide uninterrupted services to our customers and minimise the duration of unplanned interruptions. In 2022, we had no unplanned interruptions lasting longer than 12 hours. We gave an advance notice to customers affected by a planned interruption in 99.8% of the cases. Average duration of interruptions in 2022 was 3 hours and 10 minutes.
To minimise the effect of water interruptions on customers, we continued the additional valve installation project also in 2022. Both the preventive maintenance and timely investments into the infrastructure are made to secure sustainable infrastructure and continuity of the service. In 2022, investments in our main infrastructure in water treatment amounted to €1,954 thousand and €3,829 thousand was invested in wastewater treatment. The total level of investments in water and wastewater network was €10,574 thousand and the cost of new connection points was €3,154 thousand.